Saturday, October 18, 2008

Busy Day

Today we left the house pretty early to go to Tanjong Pagar to fix my VCR. I know.. I know... I still have a VCR??!!?? HaHa. Oh well, I've got so many tapes, it's such a waste to throw them all away. Anyway, according to the shop, it'll cost only $40 to fix it, so I think it's a bargain.

While we were at Tanjong Pagar, we passed by the famous muffin shop, and the smell was so yummy that we couldn't resist and bought some back. We also went to NTUC to get Baby G's weekly vegetables.

After that, we went to Ah Ma's shop and had lunch at the food centre. Baby G ate half a plate of chicken rice all by himself. He must've been really hungry.

After eating Daddy's fried rice, we went for a walk to Compasspoint & then took the LRT back home. Baby G was very happy to be able to sit on the train. He was quite funny, when I put my hands on the doors to balance myself, Baby G said to me 'Mummy, no hand, door open... tututututu (sound of train doors closing)" and repeated the same thing to Daddy when Daddy purposely put his hands on the doors too. HaHa.

==> Walking to Compasspoint ==> At Compasspoint
Nowadays, Baby G climbs up and down our furniture like an agile monkey. His latest favourite place is in my study room on my study table. He just likes to sit there and play on the keyboard and whatever else he can get his hands on.

We also just found out that he can actually climb out of his cot and onto our bed. Now, at night, he doesn't want to sleep on his cot and instead wants to sleep on our bed, he'll just climb over and out of his bed. So we always have to wait til he sleeps and then carry him back to his bed. We really have to keep an eye on him now, especially when he's too quiet. Most of the time, he's up to some mischief.

Hugs & Kisses


Anonymous said...

haha.... what a lit' monkey!

Hot mama

Anonymous said...

Scary sia.... Now can't even let him out of out sight for too long...
Gabriel's Mummy