Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby G is sick again

Phew, finally have a chance to update the blog. Don’t even know where time flies. Every time when I want to update the blog, just feel so tired and no inspiration at all, so keep procrastinating.

Some updates… Baby G is having the sniffles again. Doc said it’s mild bronchitis. Hopefully the medication will make him get well soon. Seems like it’s improving, but during the mornings, it seems to get a bit worse. Seems like every other month or so, my boy falls ill. Not sure if it’s because of exposure of other kids at the childcare or he has a weak constitution.

The past week, as Daddy had reservist and needed to be at camp early in the morning, so left only me and Baby G alone in the mornings. For all the mornings, Baby G has been totally uncooperative when it comes to getting ready to go school. Here are some of the things he’s done :-

(i) Don’t want to wear school uniform (although I can understand it looks pretty boring)

(ii) Refused to take medicine and made me spill one of the dose all over the floor (he was whacked for this and complained to his Grandpa & MaMa when he saw them).

(iii) Once reached school, refused to let the teachers carry him in, clung on tightly to the gates & refused to let go.

The only morning that he was an angel was when Daddy happened to be around on Friday morning. He did everything he was told and I even managed to get to work early. I think he's simply a cunning monster who only knows how to behave himself when the "important people" are around. Haha.

We finally took down his cot since he seems to have adapted well to sleeping on his own. Thank goodness it was a relatively smooth transition from the cot to the bed. I guess the "car bed" helped a lot. After taking down his cot, we had more space in our bedroom and moved the spare TV (courtesy of my parents) in. After this, Baby G always wants to watch his Barney show in our room cause it's so comfortable to lie and watch the TV. He's also learnt to operate the DVD player in my room so that he can switch it on himself without needing anyone's help. So somtimes, the only way to prevent him from watching, if he's naughty, is to take out the plug. But it has to be a sneaky way, i.e. cannot let him see how the plug works else nothing can stop him.

He also quite enjoys reading his 'train book' and I managed to catch him in one of his reading sessions.



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