Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vroom Vroom

After work, Daddy & myself brought Baby G to AMK Hub to sell off Daddy's old mobile phone. Upon the completion of the sale, Daddy suggested going to Fairprice for some grocery shopping.

Usually we will get a trolley and put Baby G in the front seat, however, today, by a pure stroke of good luck, we managed to get the one with a car in the front. Baby G was so excited when he saw me push the car-trolley towards him, he couldn't wait to get into the "car". He kept saying "drive car... drive car" and made the vroom vroom sound. When we stopped for the while to get our stuff, he was impatient and kept reminding us to get a move on by saying "mummy... vroom vroom".

When we finally left Fairprice, Baby G was so unwilling to leave his "car" behind, especially when someone else took it. He was so sad and cried.. we had to tell him to share the "car" with others, but he didn't really understand and kept crying "want drive car.. want drive car... vroom.. vroom". Even when we put him in his car seat, he kept trying to get out and wanted to go into Daddy's front seat and said he wanted to drive. I guess he was tired hence the crankiness came in. We had to distract him along the car ride back by playing his kiddy music and luckily, it worked and he started to sing along to the songs. Phew! Mission accomplished and we had a more peaceful ride home.
hugs & kisses

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