Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alastair's 1st Month

Today we went to Baby Alastair's 1st Month celebration. Uncle ES picked us up as Daddy had to work. Initially, Baby G was pretty clingy and refused to look at Uncle ES, Auntie YP or even Baby Kate.

When we reached there, we saw Baby Alastair having his milk so in order not to disturb him, we went out to eat. There was fried rice available and Baby G ate 2 bowls of fried rice with ngoh-hiang all by himself. What a good boy! Baby G showed exemplary behaviour today, wish everyday was like that. HaHa.

As were mostly stayed outside of the house since we were such a big group, I didn't manage to take the photo of the most important person today... however, I did manage to catch the rest of us..... enjoy the pictures.....

===> Group photo ==> Yeo Family

<== Snapshots of Kate ==>

hmmm... in the end, I think most of the pictures were of Kate..... I would say she's the most adorable of all....

<== All eyes on Kate ==>

Alastair, Happy 1st Month..... will try to get more photos next time.

Auntie San
hugs & kisses

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